Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Crystal Violet

  • Used to develop fingerprints on Adhesive Surfaces
  • Reacts with sebaceous Lipids/Fats
  • Stains proteins from dead skin cells
  • Opaque, dark background staining is main concern from technique
  • Effectiveness varies depending on type of tape/adhesive surface
  • If tape is on glass, Freeze the tape before removing to prevent damage to fingerprint
  • best on Non-Porous surfaces
  • Stains. Wear gloves
  • Develops Purple
  • Also known as 'Gentian Violet'
(Clear Tape)

Types of Application:
  1. Dipped
(Duct Tape)

  1. Immerse/Dipp in solution for 1-2 minutes. Wear gloves!
  2. Cold water tap rinse 30 seconds
  3. view with ALS if required using red goggles
  4. Dry.
  5. Photograph. Print is not lifted to prevent damage.

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