Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Small Particle Reagent (SPR)

  • Used when item is wet or on wet surfaces
  • More commonly used over Sudan Black
  • Reacts with Lipids/fats
  • Non-porous surfaces
  • Can be sprayed using a spray bottle, a compressed-air spray system, or dipped if small enough
  • SPR is Molybdenum Disulfide MoS2
  • 'Dabbing' powder technique best used with this technique
  • Easy cleanup - soap and water
  • Can be used underwater
  • Immediate reaction
  • Very messy
  • Stains
  • Needs gloves and safety glasses
  1. Spray print with SPR [mix 1 ounce of MoS2 + quart of water + 2-3 drops PhotoFlo]
  2. Rinse with water
  3. Only the MoS2 remains on print
  4. Photograph print
  5. Dry
  6. Lift print

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